We had a lovely couple of days in Chester Basin, now overlooked by the new apartment blocks. Dave's birthday got off to a good start, (he's now officially a Grumpy Old Man), whilst I was out shopping & checking out the delights of the Aberkhan fabric shop, I came across ye olde authentic West Cornwall Pasty shop, so that was Dave's breakfast sorted. He has always said he could eat a pasty at any time of day! Later, Mum came to visit and we did a walk around the walls - my thighs are re-living all the steps up and down now. Mum also brought our mail, with some birthday cards for Dave - the day was getting better and better. We sampled a couple of pints on the way round the walls, Mum was very patient as she was driving. We ended up in Telfords Warehouse for some much needed food. It was Friday night and we were perhaps an hour out with our timing, as it ended up full of 'young people' out on the pull. Nice place though, with good food, but when we left there were bouncers on the door & we felt very old!

Mum & Dav e on the walls near the Cathedral. Why does he always have to pull such faces???
We also had a walk down the locks from the canal onto the River Dee, I thought it wa still possible to lock down onto the river - but not looking at these gates.
View from The Clock
Had to include this pic - it's the beluga (or guppy) coming into land at Broughton.
As our 48 hours were up on the mooring in Chester basin, we decided to go on a jaunt to Ellesmere Port Boat Museum (will post the pics tomorrow), with the intention of coming back to Chester - blow the 48 hours - the other 3 boats have taken up residence there so I don't think we have to worry. We were pleasantly surprised by the rural landscape on the first half of the journey & we spied a great mooring we would come back to after visiting the Boat Museum & not have to sprint back to Chester (great - as the six nations rugby was on the telly later). After about 4 miles, the landscape changed to the more industrial that I expected. We also clocked some more lopped trees on the way - we'll get the logs on the way back.
Above - lovely viaduct, with many arches & below one of many metal sculptures near the bridges on the way
Rural landscape disappears & Stanlow refinery appears

As for that wood mentioned earlier - we remembered where it was, great, got the bow into the off side bank, lovely, wood was cut into pieces 2 ft long, fantastic. I jumped off with the bow rope & held the nose in. Dave excitedly shimmied down the gunnel from the back and jumped off to collect his booty. Two large pieces of wood, one in each hand, leapt onto the front of the boat, then everything went into slow motion - I was still holding the bow rope, he teetered on the front, swayed back, then forward, nope he was ok, then he looked round with that look "what shall I do now" as he again swayed backwards, raising one arm with a huge log, then the other arm, again with a big log, "which one should I let go" look came on his face as he fell backwards into the canal, throwing the left arm log onto the front deck, but going down with the one in his right hand. Another dunking getting wood, he still hasn't got the hang of it. Anyway, dripping and squelching, Dave was not going to let this wood go, so it's now neatly stacked on the roof.
A cracking game of rugby, and another lovely day. Lovely peaceful mooring between motorways and industry, opposite a golf course on designated moorings. Although we didn't get any trouble in Chester basin, Telford's Warehouse was a bit rowdy last night and the shouting in the street continued till after 4am, not disturbing a snoring old man! but that's life in a town/city - me - I'm a country bumpkin and proud of it!,